God's All-Stars - Week Eleven: Daniel
God’s All-Stars
I love football season! Each week players give All-Star performances on the field. Join me as I reveal guys in the Bible that would make God's All-Star team:
Week Eleven All-Star: Daniel
Vital Statistics: (See the Book of Daniel; particularly Chapters 1-6)
One of several Jewish slaves ‘drafted’ by Nebuchadnezzar, Owner of the Babylonian Idolizers:
•Taken from his family as a young man (son of Israeli Royalty)
•Sent to a 3-year Babylonian training camp – introduced special nutritional team diet
•Served on staff of egotistical owner – used by God to win Idolizer Fans over to His Team
•Played for a short time with the Lions
•Read the Hand-writing on the wall and predicted Coach Belshazzar’s firing
•Given great revelatory insight into the future of the League
Physical Description:
Gifted Athlete, Good-Looking, Exceptional God-given Intelligence (See Daniel 1:4; 17-20)
Dan the Man, the Lion King, the Lion Tamer, the Interpreter
Babylonian Team Name Hebrew Team Name
Belteshazzar: “Keeper of secrets; protect the king” Daniel: “God is my judge”
Courage, Integrity, Faith, Self-Control, Commitment, Leadership, Prayer life. Remarkable God-given knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to interpret dreams and visions
His opponents searched for them but “…couldn’t find anything to criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy.” Daniel 6:4
Famous Quotes:
“There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians, or fortune-tellers who can reveal the king’s secret. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets…” to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2:27-28
“O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king.” to Darius in Daniel 6:21
Greatest All-Star Performances:
• Served 3 pagan kings, but refused to compromise his spiritual beliefs (Daniel 1:8-16; 6:1-12)
• Saved the lives of his teammates by interpreting Coach Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 2)
• Went into the hostile Lion’s Den and came out victorious (Daniel 6:16-28)
Every day it seems there’s a new story in the news about a professional athlete who compromised and got into trouble. Reports of steroid and drug use, and more recently sexual and physical abuse, dominate the headlines. Reputations and careers of high profile, successful athletes change overnight. Heroes become villains; fame turns to shame.
That’s why Daniel’s life and career stands so tall. He lived in a godless, pagan society. He was constantly watched and scrutinized by those who wanted to see him fail. Yet he never compromised, was respected for his beliefs and was used by God to introduce the true and living God to thousands of fans. Following Daniel’s incredible victory over the Lions, Coach (King) Darius went before a national audience and declared:
“All of you must fear and respect the God of Daniel. Daniel’s God is the living God; He lives forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His rule will never end. God helps and saves people. He does amazing miracles in heaven and on earth. He saved Daniel from the lions.” (Daniel 6:25-27) Now THAT’S Godly influence!
All-Star Impact
•When he could have taken credit for interpreting the King’s dream, Daniel instead humbly gave God the all the credit (Daniel 2:27-28) How are you handling your success? If God gives you success, can He trust you to give Him the glory?
•Integrity is ‘doing what is right when no one is watching and everyone else is compromising.’ If people started digging around for dirty laundry on you, watching your every move, is there anything you’d be ashamed of? Turn that over to God before it costs you!
•Daniel was willing and ready to face the consequences for his belief in God. He was respectful, but he was not intimidated and he didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘compromise’. How do you represent Jesus to a watching world? Are you respected for who you are and what you believe? Can people look at you and know that God is real?
God wants to make a spiritual all-star out of YOU! “You were…created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 (GWT)