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God's All-Stars - Week Ten: Joshua & Caleb

God’s All-Stars

I love football season! Each week players give All-Star performances on the field. Join me as I reveal guys in the Bible that would make God's All-Star team:

Week Ten All-Stars: Joshua & Caleb

Vital Statistics: (see Numbers 13&14, Numbers 26:65, and Joshua 1&14)

Started as Freshmen on the varsity squad under Coach Moses. Selected to a 12-man All-Pro Team assembled to lead their team (the Israelites) to the Promised Land. Sent by Coach Mo to scout out the competition. The only 2 members of the Scout Team that believed they could not only make it to the Promised Land, but that with God’s help they could win it all.

Physical Description:

At the time of the Scouting Trip: Young (40) and Strong (Numbers 13)

When they finally made it to the promised land: Old (85) and Still Strong! (Joshua 15)


Josh, Thunder & Lightning


Courage, Faith, Commitment, Leadership, Patience. Recognized by God for having ‘a different spirit’ and following Him ‘wholeheartedly’


None mentioned

Famous Quotes:

Joshua & Caleb: “If the Lord is with us, He will lead us to (the Promised Land). Only, do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us!” to the Israelites, Numbers 14:9

Caleb: “Just as the Lord promised, He has kept me alive for forty-five years. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; and just as ready to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.” Joshua 14:10-12

Greatest All-Star Performances:

• Believed in God’s game plan when the other 10 scouts gave a bad scouting report (Numbers 13)

• 40 years after they made their first All-Pro Team, were still starters and led their team to the Promised Land (Joshua 1-14))

Summary In 1984, in just his second season, Dan Marino broke six NFL passing records and led the Miami Dolphins to Super Bowl XIX where they lost to the San Francisco 49ers, led by Joe Montana, 38-16. Although Marino went on to set several more records and was eventually voted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, he never led his team to the Super Bowl again.

Standing on the edge of the Promised Land, Joshua and Caleb were turned away because the other 10 members of their 12-man All-Pro Team were so intimidated by their opponents that they forfeited victory. Only Joshua and Caleb believed that with God on their side, they couldn’t lose. Following that bitter loss, the Israelites endured 40 losing seasons in a row. But true to His word, God kept Joshua and Caleb in great playing shape long after their former teammates had passed away and in their 80’s, these All-Pros finally led their team to the Promised Land!

All-Star Impact

•Joshua and Caleb had the faith to say, “With God’s help, WE CAN!” when the rest of their teammates gave an intimidating scouting report that demoralized the team. (“We CAN’T – they’re too big, too good and too strong for us.”) When you’re facing a difficult challenge, do you lead with FEAR or with FAITH?

•Well into their 80’s, Joshua and Caleb were still in great playing shape and led God’s people to multiple victories and the Promised Land. You may be up in years, but as long as there’s a God-dream alive in your heart, there are still victories to be won! Step out in faith and say like Caleb, “Give me this ___________ that the Lord promised me.”

•God looked at the faith and courage of Joshua and Caleb and identified “a different spirit” in them and a wholehearted devotion lacking in their fellow teammates. Would you like to stand out to God? Then ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and trust Him completely.

God wants to make a spiritual all-star out of YOU! “You were…created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 (GWT)

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