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God's All-Stars - Week Four: Stephen

I love football season! Each week players give outstanding performances on the field. Join me as I reveal guys in the Bible that would make God's All-Star team:

Week Four All-Star: Stephen

Vital Statistics: (see Acts, Chapters 6&7)

‘Drafted’ by the Apostles to the Starting Team, ‘Promoted’ as the First Martyr of the Church

Physical Description:

Opponents and Fans alike agreed that “…his Face was like the Face of an Angel.” (See Acts 6:15)


Called a ‘Blasphemer’ by jealous Jewish Owners & Coaches of the Law


Full of Faith, Wisdom, Grace & the Power of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual Boldness


None Listed (although we know he had them – he was human!)

Famous Quotes:

“You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” to the Jewish Owners & Coaches of the Law in Acts 7:51

“Look, I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” as he was being stoned to death in Acts 7:56

“Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” his last words to God in Acts 7:60

Greatest All-Star Performances:

• Promoted from back-up role to one of 7 New Starters for his Hometown Apostles (Acts 6:1-6)

• Gave inspirational, spontaneous pre-game speech before his last game (Acts 7)

• Courageously called out the Hypocrisy of the Religious Elite Ownership (Acts 7:51-54)

• “Left it all out on the Field” for his team (Acts 7:59-60)


Stephen was a virtually unknown player until talent scouts from his Hometown Apostles recognized the Spirit of God on his life and selected him along with six other MVP’s to a starting position on the team. Following his promotion, Stephen defeated the rival Synagogue of the Freedmen in head-to-head competition. Embarrassed and angry, the jealous Freedmen accused him of cheating, trying to destroy the League and wanting to change its long-held traditions. Stephen’s case went to court where he boldly confronted League Owners of fraud and resisting change. After giving the performance of his life, Stephen was dragged out of the stadium and stoned to death in the parking lot. His death inspired his team to spread their winning philosophy beyond Jerusalem. They now have fans all over the world who call themselves Christians.

All-Star Impact

•Do you ever feel unnoticed and unwanted? Stephen’s life proves that God is constantly searching for hidden talent. If you are faithful in small things, God just might unexpectedly promote you to His starting lineup!

•Someone once said, ‘If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?’ When Stephen was put under the spotlight, he gave his best performance for Christ. What would you do or say if you were put on the spot to defend your beliefs?

•Everyone wants to be a hero and hear the roar of the crowd – but Stephen, like Jesus, proved that a true Christian All-Star is willing to lay down his life for what he/she believes. Are you willing to make sacrifices to follow Christ?

God wants to make a spiritual all-star out of YOU! “You were…created to be like God, truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 (GWT)

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