God of your P A I N (Part 2)
‘My dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering, as though something unusual were happening to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ’s sufferings so that you may be full of joy when His glory is revealed.’ 1 Peter 4:12-13 GNT
There are three things we know about God and Pain:
1 God doesn’t cause pain
“In the beginning…” God created a perfect, pain-free world. (See Genesis 1&2) The first time pain is mentioned in the Bible is immediately after the first sin occurred. God then lists several kinds of pain that would impact mankind from that moment on. (See Genesis 3:16-24) In simplest terms, the ‘curse’ of sin broke the planet and brought the pain. Pain is not God’s fault; it’s not necessarily your fault (although we often make decisions that add to our pain). Pain is sin’s fault. God loves you; so much that your pain causes Him pain.
2 God understands our pain
You might question why God allows your pain; but you can never question whether he understands your pain. Isaiah 53:4 says “The fact is, it was our suffering He took on himself; he bore our pain.” As he hung on the cross, Jesus felt ALL of the pain caused by sin; from the first pain felt by Adam and Eve, to the pain of every last man and woman who would ever live on this broken planet. He didn’t have to do it; He chose to do it. God has felt pain far beyond your worst pain.
3 God helps those in pain
Jesus made it clear that pain is no respecter of persons when he said, “In this world you will have trouble…” (John 16:33 NIV) Christ-followers don’t get a ‘pain-free pass’ in life. But they do receive three great benefits that those who don’t follow Christ miss out on:
The first benefit is God’s PRESENCE. Jesus made this promise to all believers: “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you” Hebrews 13:5b NCV. No matter how bad the pain gets, the God who understands your pain will be there with you, giving you peace that’s out-of-this-world. (See John 14:27)
The second benefit is God’s PROVISION. Romans 8:28 assures us that “in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him.” All things includes painful things. Author/Pastor Rick Warren says, “God never wastes a hurt.” God will always make sure something positive comes out of the pain in our lives IF we are serving Him. Your greatest ministry often comes out of your deepest pain.
The third benefit for Christ-followers when they go through pain is… God has prepared a PLACE for us that’s free from pain! Jesus said, “I am going to prepare a place for you…And I will come back and take you to be (there) with me” John 14:2b&3 NIV. That ‘place’ is heaven. Revelation 21:4 (ERV) describes it as a place where “(God) will wipe away every tear from (our) eyes. There will be no more death, sadness, crying or PAIN!”
When you look around today and see all the pain in the world, don’t be surprised. Remember, this is earth, not heaven. God is preparing a place for you that is 100% pain free… because He wants to spend eternity with you in heaven! Do you want to go?!? Then let Him into your life! The same God who understands and took all your pain wants that more than anything!!